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$72.00/ Per Flat of 72


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Adromischus Alstonii

Native to Africa with metallic colored leaves featuring burgandy spoting of the leaves

Adromischus Cristatis (Key Lime Pie)

Native to South Africa forming lime green triangular leaves with crinkled ends


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Aeonium Castello-Paivae Variegata (Suncup)

Fast growing forming multiple heads between 1 to 4 inches in diameter variegated white and green

Aeonium Kiwi

Fast growing forming large 4 to 6 inch heads with green and cream to yellow variegated heads

Assorted 72 Cell

Growers Choice. Assorted selection of succulents. 72 count.


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Aloe Blue Elf

Medium cultivare with deep blue sawtooth leaves grows to 20″

Aloe Ciliaris (Climbing Aloe)

Large cultivare with dark green foliage that branches of as the plant grows giving it the apperance of climbing on itself

Aloe Crosby's Prolific

Miniature cultivar with green leaves whit spots and sawtooth edge hieght 6 inches

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant with antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Aloe Walamsley'S Blue

Small succulent that forms rosettes of narrow blue-green leaves that turn bronze-green in full sun. It grows up to 12 inches.


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Acanthocereus Tetragonus Fairytale Cactus

Forms numerous vertical stems of different heights that resemble spires & turrets.

Cactus Mixed Tray

Growers choice. Mixed tray of cactus succulents. 72 count.

Cereus Peruvianus Monstros

Tree-like cactus which grows in a multi-branched candelabra shape. Individual stems are gray-blue to gray-green

Chamaelobivia Rose Quartz Peanut Cactus

Hybrid cactus with amazing flowers repeated blooming commonly known as peanut cactus

Deamia Testudo (Dogtail Cactus)

Bears broad main stems with long, skinny tail-like trailing stems trailing in nature

Huernia Zebrina (Lifesaver Plant)

Rare and unusual succulent, the lifesaver cactus produces burgundy and tan star-shaped flowers that look as though a grape lifesaver

Opuntia Monstrose (Mini Cinimon Cactus)

Dwarf variety of Opuntia with small pads that are cinnamon in color with yellow flowers

Opuntia Old Man Cactus

Columnar succulent in the cactus family with spines that form fine white hairs reminiscent of an old man

Opuntia Quimilo (Cactus)

Remain relatively small, and they develop new limbs as they grow. These are absolutely fantastic if you’re short on space.

Opuntia Variegated Josephes Coat (Cactus)

Beautifully marbled with creamy white, yellow and green.

Parodia Militaris (Ball Cactus)

Small ball shaped cactus with numbers offsets making for an I catching scene

Rebutia Cactus (Mix Color)

Also known as crown cactus forms large clusters of round soft offsets with flowers ranging from white to orange red and yellow

Rhipsalis Drunkards Dream

Native to brazil with segmented branches, where new branches at the tips resemble little whiskey bottles

Stapelia Black Bells (Life Saver Plant)

Its showy and unusual bell-shaped flowers are red/dark purple/black, up to 5” long, and blooms appear in late spring – mid summer.


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Callisa Repens Gold

A native of Central and South America belongs to the family. Its common names are turtle vine gold colored foliage.


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Ceropegia Woodii String Of Daggers

String of Daggers as the leaves are shaped like daggers filtered sunlight

Ceropegia Woodii String Of Hearts

Trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa. The delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines can reach up to 12′ long.

Ceropegia Woodii String Of Hearts Variegated

Trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa. The delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines variegated foliage.

Ceropegia Woodii String Of Needles

Trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa. The delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines leaves shaped like needles.


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Cotyledon Choco Line

Plump, grey-green, paddle-shaped foliage with scalloped, dark burgundy edges. Matures into a clumping shrublet.

Cotyledon Ladismithiensis (Bear Paws)

Shrub type with leaves resembling a bears paw

Cotyledon Ladismithiensis Variegated (Bear Paws)

Shrub type with leaves resembling a bears paw (variegated)

Cotyledon Orbiculata (Pig'S Ear)

Native to South Africa rounded leaves green with red edges commonly referred to as pig ears

Cotyledon Pendons (Cliff Cotyledon)

Also called cliffhanger easy to care for with trailing habit and red tipped leaves

Cotyledon Silver Peak

A branching, clump-forming succulent with upward-facing, elongated, silvery-blue leaves.


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Crassula Arborescens Undulatifolia Ripple Jade

A variety of jade with blue green leaves that curl and twist in all directions

Crassula Argentea (Jade Plant)

Forms thick tree like green foliage common as a houseplant

Crassula Argentea Obliqua Tricolor (Jade Plant)

Forms thick tree like green foliage common as a houseplant white and green foliage

Crassula Calico Kitten

Heart-shaped leaves marked with rosy pink, creamy white, and green

Crassula Capitella Campfire

Displays dramatic, fleshy, propeller-like leaves that mature from light green to bright red.

Crassula Capitella Pagoda Village

Low matt forming small dense rossetts of burgandy to black foliage.

Crassula Capitella Red Pagoda

Densely stacked, fleshy, triangular chartreuse leaves

Crassula Coccinea Campfire Variegated

Long leaves variegated green, cream, and pink.

Crassula Estagnol Spiralis

Dense small green leaves that spiral around each other on the height 5″.

Crassula Exilis Picturata

Low matt forming small green leaves with red tips and tiny white flowers.

Crassula Lycopodioides (Watch Chain)

Leaves that are compacted tightly around the stem. The stems of the “Watch Chain” plant grow into a small bush.

Crassula Mesembryanthemoides

Fuzzy green leaves. Its stems can grow about a foot tall and turn woody over time.

Crassula Orbicularis Var. Rosularis

Forming dense clusters of sword shaped leaves ranging from gold, red and purple in color with small white flowers that are fragrant.

Crassula Ovata Baby Jade

Forms thick tree like green foliage common as a houseplant gold colored foliage

Crassula Ovata Gollum

Variety with tubular green leaves with red tips in the sun easy care height 1 to 3 foot

Crassula Ovata Hobbit

Variety with tubular green leaves with red tips in the sun easy care height 6 to 18 inches

Crassula Perforata (String Of Buttons)

Green leaves with red edge that look stacked on top of each other.

Crassula Perforata Variegata (String Of Buttons)

Green leaves with cream colored edge that looked stacked on top of each other.

Crassula Platyphylla

Clustered thick rounded green leaves that turn burgandy in full sun.

Crassula Radicans Small Red Carpet

Short with green leaves 1/2 inch in length depending on growing conditions can be upright or ground cover.

Crassula Sarmentosa Variegated Comet

Fast growing dwarf shrub type with green leaves and yellow edge very hardy

Crassula Sunset Jade

A variety of jade with laves that turn from green to cream yellow in the sun with red tips

Crassula Tetragona Mini Pine Tree

Green spikey leaves resembling a pine tree with leaves curved upwards

Crassula X Justi Corderoyi

Small succulent shrub with very interesting leaf coloration and texture.


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Echeveria Affinus

Beautiful dark purple leaves that are smooth to the touch and pointy.

Echeveria Agavoides

A striking green rosette with pointed leaves lined with crimson.

Echeveria Agavoides Christmas

Is a beautiful succulent that forms tight rosettes of fleshy apple-green leaves with a strong reddish tinge

Echeveria Agovoides Ebony

Beautiful succulent that forms tight rosettes of thick fleshy gray-green leaves with dark purplish brown margins

Echeveria Agovoides Mexicanum

Stiff-leaved succulent is one of the hardiest! Perfect for fans of succulents with unique and irregular leaf shapes.

Echeveria Agovoides Miranda

Compact, attractive rosettes of mid-green leaves with red-pink markings.

Echeveria Black Flash

Gorgeous dark green, purplish and almost black leaves. With a tinge of yellowish green in the center of the rosette

Echeveria Black Knight

Outstanding rossett forming with pointed leaves and deep purple to black leaves

Echeveria Black Prince

Thick fleshy leaves rossette forming with burgandy to black leaves

Echeveria Burgandy Rose

Rounded burgandy leaves forming into a rose shape

Echeveria Caribean

Silvery blue rosette with flushes of pink on its leaf edges when grown in bright sun

Echeveria Chroma

Thick leaved cultivar with hues ranging from red to burgandy to green and cream color

Echeveria Ciliata X Nodulosa

Deep green rossette with red to burgandy trim

Echeveria Colorata

Thick pointed blue leaves with red to burgandy tips

Echeveria Copper Rose

Multi branching with light green rossete ending in orange to red edge

Echeveria Elegans

A truly elegant rosette with rounded, cupped leaves. This easy-to-grow species offsets freely with thick white leaves

Echeveria Hagai Tolimanensis

Thick purple leaves forming into a shape more like a small pine tree

Echeveria Laguna Sanchez

Rossette forming pale sky blue leaves with rippled edges

Echeveria Lilacina

Sturdy chalk wite rossette type

Echeveria Lime And Chili

Cultivar with a unique lime green color

Echeveria Lotus

White leaves with the rossete shaped like a lotus flower reaching a diameter of 8 inches or more

Echeveria Melaco

Dark green in color sturdy rossette clump forming

Echeveria Mensa

Pink to light purple thick pointed leaves reaching up to 8n inches in diameter

Echeveria Nodulosa (Painted Lady)

Apple-green leaves marked with purplish-red on both surfaces and along the margins.

Echeveria Olivia

Rosettes of olive green leaves with a bronze sheen and a pink flush to its margins.

Echeveria Orion

Silvery blue rosette that flushes pink to purple when grown in bright sunlight.

Echeveria Pearl Von Nurnberg

Large rossette forming with thick leaves pink to purple

Echeveria Pollvy

Thick fleshy white leaves can grow to 8 inches in diameter

Echeveria Prolifica

Small rossets silvery white in color turning to light pink in full sun

Echeveria Pulidonis

Blue green rosette with pink to red edge in full sun

Echeveria Pulidonis Mystica

Echeveria Pulidonis Rosa

Light blue to cream colored foliage with red edge

Echeveria Purpusorum

Small rosette to 3″ pointed leaves and dark purple to black speckled foliage

Echeveria Red Prince

Burgundy-brown leaves outlined in brilliant red. Grown in rosette form, it thrives in zones 9-11

Echeveria Runyonii Topsy Turvy

Silvery blue rosettes with wavy, curvy leaves fast growing , easy care

Echeveria Setosa Arrow

Distinctive cultivar with long, narrow leaves covered with velvety cilia. Its leaves can develop striking, red tips.

Echeveria Setosa Speck (Mexican Firecracker)

Distinctive cultivar with short leaves of pale blue covered in cilia

Echeveria Shaviana

Beautiful cultivar with silver gray foliage and ruffled edges reaching an impressive diameter of 8 to 10 inches

Echeveria Shaviana Pink Frill

Smaller rosette with pale pink colored leaves with rounded to ruffled edges

Echeveria Shaviana Truffles

Nice compact rosette with purple blue leaves ending in ruffled edges

Echeveria Subsessilis

Also known as ‘Morning Beauty’, is a small rosette-forming succulent with grey-blue leaves and pink tips.

Echeveria Violet

Distinct cultivar with round large leaves that are cream colored ending in blue to red tips truly spectacular

Echeveria Violet Queen

Rare variety with lance shaped leaves that curve upward, chalk white foliage with purple hue


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Graptopetalum Bellum

Unique, flat rosette of densely-packed leaves. It can show tones of lavender, pink, and sea green.

Graptopetalum Copper Roses

Thick rounded leaves copper to red in color growing on stems reaching 6 to 8 inches in height

Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum

Low-growing succulent, branched at the base, with sprawling stems and glaucous blue-green leaves tipped with red and massed in small rosettes at the tip of each stem.

Graptopetalum Paraguayense (Ghost Plant)

Thick fleshy leaves with light pink hue easy to grow cold tolerant

Graptopetalum Pentantdrum Superbum

Large oval shaped leaves light purple to violet in color superb grower


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Graptosedum California Sunset

Forms rosettes with lanceolate leaves that can be pale pinky orange to bright orange when in full sun

Graptosedum Darley Sunshine

Light green succulent with a pink blush that, blushes more if given full sun. During colder weather a reddish hue also appears in the leaves

Graptosedum Francesco Baldi

Leaves color green with purple-red edges, shape elliptic with pointed top and concave in the back of the leaf

Graptosedum Ghosty

Chalk white pointed leaves growing on white stems reaching up to 10 inches


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Graptoveria Bashful

Mint green rosette blushed with pink to red leaf tips can turn copper color in full sun

Graptoveria Debbie

Thick fast growing rosette with pink to lavender colored leaves with a diameter of up to 8 inches

Graptoveria Filiferum

A gorgeous rosette with a delicate, fine red filament that tips each leaf, low maintenance plant

Graptoveria Fred Ives

Beautiful succulent that forms clumps of large rosettes of fleshy, smooth, and waxy leaves can vary in color from pink orange or red

Graptoveria Moonglow

Forms rosettes of thick, fleshy, milky aquamarine leaves, often with hues of pink at the tips


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Haworthia Pentagona

Emerald green foliage. Low maintenance and great for indoors. Folaige can turn deep purple to almost black in full sun


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Kalanchoe Fedtchenkoi Variegata

An attractive succulent that is prized for cream margins along highly scalloped leaves.

Kalanchoe Flapjacks

This succulent kalanchoe plant has with thick, rounded, paddle-shaped leaves.

Kalanchoe Hildebrandtii (Silver Spoons)

Easy to grow with silver colored stems and leaves height up to 36 inches

Kalanchoe Longefolia Coccinea

Known for its multi-coloured foliage wich can be red burgandy or green in color and yellow flowers, which bloom in autumn to winter

Kalanchoe Marenia

Unique succulent with a blue-green color. It has thin leaves that are rounded and grow in groups up a tall stem. The leaves can gain a pinkish edge

Kalanchoe Orgyalis (Cooper Spoons)

Easy to grow with copper colored stems and leaves height up to 36 inches

Kalanchoe Pumila

Attractive small shrubby succulent with arching stems that bear fleshy leaves with a white powdery covering.

Kalanchoe Spider Charlotte

Dark green to green-blue leaves and bright pink flowers. The thin leaves are forked and similar in appearance to antlers

Kalanchoe Spider Hobo

Dark green to green-blue leaves and bright orange flowers. The thin leaves are forked and similar in appearance to antlers

Kalanchoe Spider Tarantula

Dark green to green-blue leaves and bright red flowers. The thin leaves are forked and similar in appearance to antlers

Kalanchoe Spider Yellow

Dark green to green-blue leaves and bright yellow flowers. The thin leaves are forked and similar in appearance to antlers

Kalanchoe Tomentosa (Panda Plant)

Low maintenance with thick silver colored leaves with black edge great for indoors growing

Kalanchoe Tomentosa Black (Nigra)

Forms a dense, upright bush of oblong, gray-green leaves. Reddish brown spots line the edges of the hairy succulent foliage.

Kalanchoe Tomentosa Chocolate Soldier

Densely hairy leaves that are thick dark chocolate brown on the margins.

Kalanchoe Tomentosa Super Fuzzy

Leaves with long fair hairs that grow from all sides of its leaves and stem.


  Product Quantity

Mammillaria Alba

Showy white colored spines on the top. This plant is sometimes called ‘Lady Fingers’ because of its harmless spines,

Mammillaria Copper King

Showy copper colored spines on the top. This plant is sometimes called ‘Lady Fingers’ because of its harmless spines,

Mammillaria Fragalis

Compact-growing cactus, nicknamed thimble cactus, featuring bright green cylindrical offsets


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Pachyphytum Bracteosum

Leafy and fleshy succulent. The leafy stems grow up to 30 cm (12 in) long and 25–38 mm (0.98–1.50 in) thick

Pachyphytum Compactum

An attractive succulent that forms rosettes of 30 to 80, mostly congested leaves.

Pachyphytum Lemon

Vivid greenish teal color that is sort of iridescent when it is in the sun


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Pachyveria Belle Blue

A must have succulent plant has the intriguing appearance of blue stones.

Pachyveria Ice Crystals

Beautiful quite bright blue succulent plant with darker purple/pink tips rare


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Pepperomia Ferreyrae

Bushy peperomia has narrow, folded, bean-shaped leaves

Pepperomia Wolfgang

Stunning variety with boat shaped leaves which grow close together green on the front red on the back


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Plectranthus Neochilus Mikes Fuzzy Wuzzy

Succulent herb with thick green leaves, heavily margined with white. Beautiful spikes of indigo flowers are produced in summer


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Portulacaria Afra (Rainbow Bush)

Succulent shrub with attractive reddish-brown stems and variegated cream and green leaves

Portulacaria Afra Mediopicta

Dainty green leaves with cream stripes down the middle that grow along a burgundy colored stem.


  Product Quantity

Sedeveria Blue Giant

Light blue-green that can have hints of purple with a little more sun.

Sedeveria Dark Elf

Fast growing succulent plant with long fleshy leaves. If exposed to sunlight this plant will turn dark blue with pointy copper tips

Sedeveria Fanfare

Strong grower that forms a full, stemmed rosette. It is a powdery blue-green.

Sedeveria Harry Butterfield

Stunning succulent with cascading stems densely covered with fleshy, teardrop-shaped, mint-green leaves

Sedeveria Jet Beads

Small, pointed leaves with color tones of dark copper, green, burgundy, and black. Its coloration can darken in cool weather

Sedeveria Letizia

Rosette forming succulent that are 2 to 3 inches in diameter green leaves tinged in red which becomes more pronounced with more sun

Sedeveria Peaches Pride

Strong growing with rounded leaves that cluster near the top leaves and stems are powder blue in color

Sedeveria Pink Granite

A stunner with neon pink leaves in tight clusters can grow tall before trailing over

Sedeveria Sorrento

Purple green leaves on a lime green stem thrives in full sun


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Sedum Adolphi

Deep golden coppertone leaves that will darken with more sun

Sedum Adolphii Firestorm

Dark orange leaves that change to bright fire orange when in direct sun

Sedum Adolphii Golden Glow

Lime green leaves that will turn golden in direct sun

Sedum Anglicum Loves Triangle

Tiny, powder blue leaves are topped by pale pink blooms late spring to early summer. Excellent plant for the rock garden or between stepping stones.

Sedum Clavatum

Round, blueish-green leaves that form a beautiful rosette shape. It works well as a ground cover

Sedum Dasyphylum (Pink Diamonds)

Semi groundcover with white to pink leaves in full sun height 4 inches width to 20 inches

Sedum Himalyan Skies

A mat-forming succulent with beautiful blue-green leaves densely packed on stems that creep, spread

Sedum Hispanicum Blue Carpet

Silvery blue foliage fast spreading semi ground cover

Sedum Japonicum Tokyo Sun

Mat-forming ground cover sedum that pops bright yellow.

Sedum Lineare (Sea Urchin Variegated)

Low maintenance, sun-loving, herbaceous perennial, evergreen succulent that thrives where other plants often

Sedum Little Missy

Variegated foliage low growing ground cover best in full sun to light shade

Sedum Makinoi Ogan

A low growing mat-forming plant with small golden yellow leaves

Sedum Mexicanum

Semi-hardy succulent with bright green leaves arranged in whorls around the branched decumbent stems

Sedum Morganium Burrito

Also known as donkey tail with long branching steams filled with powder blue bead like leaves

Sedum Red Wiggles

Colorful evergreen succulent perennial. The needle-like leaves are green when young and red with age.

Sedum Reflexum (Blue Spruce)

Eye-catching features succulent blue-green foliage, much like little spruce needles!

Sedum Rubritinctum 'Aurora (Pink Jelly Beans)

Long, cylindrical leaves growing close together around a stalk.

Sedum Rubrotinctum (Mini Me)

Cute miniature of the popular jelly bean with tiny green to red leaves height to 3 inches

Sedum Rupestre Angelina

Bright yellow foliage groundcover very low maintenance

Sedum Rurotinctum (Pork And Beans)

Fun succulent with round, bean-like leaves. It’s very popular among succulent lovers.

Sedum Sieboldii Mediovariegatum

Variegated blue leaves with cream colored center and leaves staked on top of each other on long steams

Sedum Spathulifolium Capo Blanco

Creeping Sedum has unusual grey-blue foliage and clusters of tiny yellow flowers in summer

Sedum Spurium Fulda Glow

Excellent low-maintenance groundcover that always looks its best. Sedum Fulda glow is perfect for troughs, stone walls, live roofs or a massed groundcover

Sedum Spurium Tricolor

Feature green in the center with white margins tinged with pink.

Sedum Stallii (Coral Beads)

Beautiful evergreen groundcover that grows red, egg-shaped leaves similar to that of jelly bean sedum.

Sedum Tetracinum Corral Reef

Colorful combination of green tinged with red, the overall habit is neat and tidy, summer brings a flush of flowers


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Sempervivum Aglow

Features velvety leaves in vibrant tones of orange and red, shifting to darker burgundy in cooler weather.

Sempervivum Arachnoideum Cobweb

Small-growing selection that is especially lovely with its tight rosettes of cobwebbed foliage

Sempervivum Black

Rosettes of bright green foliage with dark purple to black tips.

Sempervivum Dynamo

Evergreen perennial that displays medium-sized rosettes of deep, dusty red

Sempervivum Fords Spring

Lime green clumping rosette with cherry flushing. This petite plant offsets frequently and is great for crevasse and rock gardens

Sempervivum Hart

Bright green rosette backed and tipped with red orange

Sempervivum Killer

Mixture of black, red, green and gold throughout the year

Sempervivum Koko Flanel

Very dense rosette with closely spaced leaves in a spiral arrangement

Sempervivum Leucanthum Rubrum

Larger rosettes with beautiful incurved leaves

Sempervivum Limelight

Attractive rosette of lime green leaves with pink tips

Sempervivum Mix Colors

Various varieties growers choice

Sempervivum More Honey

Lovely rosette with a lime green base and orange-red outer leaves

Sempervivum Mount Usher

Green rosette in the spring turning to burgandy red and purple in summer

Sempervivum Mrs. Giuseppi

A green rosette with contrasting, dark red tips.

Sempervivum Pacific Blue Ice

Icy-blue succulent rosettes will blush with pink in cooler weather.

Sempervivum Pacific Red Tide

Green succulent foliage which shifts from crimson red to maroon to chocolate brown throughout the year

Sempervivum Peggy

Evergreen perennial that displays large, deep red rosettes that mature to dusty purple.

Sempervivum Pilliosum

Forms medium to large rosettes of grey-green leaves. This color may vary from season to season

Sempervivum Pulmosa

Small succulent that forms rosettes of hairy lance-shaped leaves.

Sempervivum Purple Passion

Purple to pink leaves shading out to tawny green. This variety flushes deep purple in winter

Sempervivum Reinhardt

Apple green of the rosette center contrasts well with its near-black tip

Sempervivum Rocknoll Rosette

Lovely color-changer through the seasons. It has a green base in winter but takes on striking flushes of red and gold

Sempervivum Ruby Heart

Lovely color-changer through the seasons. It has a green base in winter but takes on striking flushes of red and gold

Sempervivum Silver Queen

Compact rosete red with green center

Sempervivum Tristan

Dense rosette with colors ranging from red to burgandy to copper

Sempervivum Wilhelm Tell

Giant green rossete with orange edges


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Senecio Crassissimus

Fleshy blue-green leaves with purple margins that are flat so they can change direction

Senecio Herrianus (String Of Tears)

Intriguing, trailing stems of oval, bead-like leaves, each with a vertical, semi-translucent line

Senecio Jacobsenii

Intriguing, trailing stems of oval, bead-like leaves, each with a vertical, semi-translucent line

Senecio Jacobsenii Variegated

Intriguing, trailing stems of oval, bead-like leaves, each with a vertical, semi-translucent line with white marbeling

Senecio Kleiiiformis (Spear Head)

Silver to blue-green stemmed succulent with distinctive, triangular, spear-shaped leaves

Senecio Peregrinus (String Of Dolphins)

String of Dolphins or dolphin plant, is a rare plant with leaves that resemble jumping dolphins.

Senecio Radicans (String Of Bananas)

Contrary to its name, string of bananas is not a fruit, but a succulent vine plant with banana-shaped leaves

Senecio Rowleyanus (String Of Pearls)

Funky succulent vine with rounded leaves that look like strands of pearls or peas.

Senecio Rowleyanus Variegated (String Of Pearls)

Funky succulent vine with rounded leaves that look like strands of pearls or peas with white marbeling

Senecio Serpens Mini Blue

Dwarf semi-trailing succulent of great ornamental appeal with its cylindrical blue-green leaves

Senecio Stapeliformis (Pickle Plant)

Fleshy, pencil-like stems with green and purple vertical patterns and soft spines along the edges

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